Memories of Aberystwyth University Athletics Club in the 1950s

In this podcast Russell Todd, Sporting Heritage CIC’s podcaster-in-residence, chats to his next door neighbour in Cardiff, Colin Morgan, about his memories of competing for the University’s Athletics team against other Welsh universities and colleges. Both Colin and Russell attended Aberystwyth University, where they both studied Geography – Colin in the 1950s, Russell in the 1990s. More…

A ‘Sporting Heritage Wales’ – Podcast

Born in Rhymney, and a graduate of Aberystwyth, Cardiff and the Open University Dr. Colin Morgan was an extremely knowledgeable and respected member of Blaenau Gwent Heritage Forum. He made strong contributions to the content of our journals both as an author and editor.

Since his retirement from university teaching Colin pursued his passion for local history in the area of Blaenau Gwent and for the Welsh language by way of translating 19th century and early 20th century Welsh Eisteddfod Welsh history essays dealing with Gwent.

His sudden and unexpected passing has left a large space that those of us who knew him will find difficult to fill.

With thanks to Rodger Burchell’s information taken from his Editorial in BGHF Journal – issue 26 

I have been a podcast producer since 2014 and early in the first lockdown of 2020 I invited my neighbour in Llandaff North, Cardiff, Dr Colin Morgan to join me in reminiscing about our respective times as students at the University of Wales, Aberystwyth: him in the 1950s, me in the 1990s.

The episodes – one in English, one in Welsh – were broadcast on the podcast channel of Sporting Heritage CIC, a not-for-profit organisation that supports the collection, preservation, access, and research of sporting heritage in the UK and wider.

With sport such a central component of university life for many students, Colin and I thought it would be an interesting discussion for people to listen to during those early days of the pandemic.

Sadly, Colin passed away earlier this year but his passion for sport, especially athletics, heritage and Aberystwyth live on in these episodes.

Rydw i wedi bod yn gynhyrchydd podlediadau ers 2014 ac yn gynnar yn ystod y cyfnod clo cyntaf yn 2020 fe wnes i wahodd fy nghymydog yn Ystum Taf, Caerdydd, Dr Colin Morgan i ymuno â fi i hel atgofion am ein hamser fel myfyrywr ym Mhrifysgol Cymru, Aberystwyth: fe yn y 1950au, a finnau yn y 1990au.

Darlledwyd y rhifynnau – un yn Saesneg, un yn Gymraeg – ar sianel podlediad Sporting Heritage CIC, mudiad di-elw sy’n cefnogi casglu, cadw, hygyrhc, ac ymchwil o dreftadaeth chwaraeon yn y DU a thu hwnt.

Gan fod chwaraeon mor ganolog i fywyd ym mhrifysgol ar gyfer cymaint o fyfyrwyr, meddyliodd Colin a finnau y byddai’n ddiddorol i bobl i wrando arnom ni drafod hyn yn ystod dyddiau cynnar y pandemig.

Yn anffodus, bu farw Colin yng nghynt y flwyddyn hon ond mae ei frwd dros chwaraeon, yn arbennig athletau, treftadaeth ac Aberystwyth yn parhau yn y rhifynnau hyn.

Find out more about Sporting Heritage Wales

The Game of Quoits

Video – Quoits of Brynmawr


Quoits of Brynmawr


International Quoit Match

England v Wales

You can see this programme and the quoits in Tredegar Local History Museum

Saturday 19th August 1961
Saturday 19th August 1961

The History of Quoits in the Valleys

Trevor Bufton

Welsh school boy caps and jersey
Welsh school boy caps and jersey