TRAIL: An historical walk around the Beaufort area


Note from the author

There is no written history of the Beaufort area and this historical walk is intended as a starting point for those interested in the Beaufort area’s historical past. The booklet isn’t intended to be a comprehensive history but aims to give the walker a deeper understanding of the heritage behind some of the buildings passed.


Author: Rodger Burchell

Distance: About 2 miles 

Time: Allow roughly 2 hours

48 pages of A4 ringbound  booklet


An easy to moderate town walk with a steepish incline and a flight of steps with a handrail. The terrain is good quality paths and side roads.

It isn’t necessary to do this walk as a whole, or even to do it at all to enjoy the historical information contained within the booklet. It is a fascinating read and can easily be enjoyed sitting in an armchair with small sections explored at a later date if desired.